Sport Fields

Fixing the Root Cause
If you want a sports ground that requires less water, has more tolerance to both stress and disease, with no need to aerate or de-tatch the soil, then you should look into a more sustainable way of fertilising. Ecoworm Humate (organic vermicompost extract) should be your primary choice when rebuilding chemical abused sports field soils. Applying vermicompost based microbial growth stimulant, which promotes root and healthy turf growth, you will let the microbes contained in Ecoworm Humate rebuild the soil profile, fertilise, de-compact the soil and help to reduce both pest and disease attacks on your sport fields.
By repairing the soil structure and health, you will be able to grow far better turf grass, leading to a better playing surface that will require less maintenance.
The Dark Side of Chemical Fertilisers
If you have been using chemical fertilisers, you might be experiencing turf stress, excess thatch, shallow root growth, soil compaction, pH level swings. You might also notice that your turf grass requires lots of water. This is the negative effect of previously used chemical fertilisers. The toxic chemicals influence the life of beneficial soil microorganisms, which are indeed responsible for maintaining soil fertility. Chemical fertilisers cause enormous damage to our ecosystem. As they are impossible to keep in the soil profile, with irrigation and heavy rain chemicals leach out of the root zone and go into groundwater supplies, polluting our natural water supplies.
Safe for the Environment and its Inhabitants
Ecoworm Humate is an organic growth stimulant that will not pollute our groundwater supplies. It will also prevent children, sport players, as well as maintenance staff from being exposed to chemicals when playing and maintaining the area.
Ecoworm Humate
- rebuilds soil profile
- de-compacts the soil
- fertilises
- helps to reduce pest and disease attacks
- eliminates soil pH swings
- increases root depth
- makes grass more drought tolerant

Certified Organic
Ecoworm Humate is certified organic by OF&G and is approved for use in organic systems. Organic Farmers and Growers OF&G certify more than half of UK organic land & provide support, information and licensing to Britain’s top organic food businesses. You can read more about them by visiting their website.
Ecoworm Humate can be applied using normal agricultural spray equipment, with increased jet size so that there is no harm for the microorganisms during the application. Use low pressure when applying. The water rate is not critical. It acts as a carrier to distribute 10L-20L/ha (4-8L/acre) across the area.
Apply Ecoworm Humate during the coldest part of the day, such as early morning or late afternoon, so that UV rays do not affect the beneficial biology. When it is raining, the growth stimulant can be applied at any time, as the micro-organisms will use this available moisture to colonise the plant and soil, while being protected from the UV rays.
Ecoworm Humate is also compatible with other fertilisers, and can also be mixed with fish, kelp or molasses for faster activation. It is environmentally friendly and does not contaminate water courses.
WARNING! Never apply a food source into your Ecoworm Humate drum!
Ecoworm Humate contains living microbes, and we have managed to get the biology into dormancy, which allows us to store the living product. If you let any source of food to enter the container such as fish or molasses, the micro-organisms will wake up, consume all the oxygen inside the drum and then die, leaving you with stinky useless liquid. Make sure the food activator is only added to the spray tank or watering can, not to the drum, otherwise any leftover extract will be wasted.
Ecoworm Humate can be stored for years if out of direct sunlight, and in rather cool place. One of our company’s benefits is that with our developed technology we are able to store our fertiliser without the microbes dying. The micro-organisms in Ecoworm Humate fall asleep and wake up once they get in contact with oxygen. This is one the biggest problems of our competitors, whose aerated worm teas and compost teas must be used within hours of brew aeration finishing.