As winter fades, March brings a vibrant season of growth for your UK garden. Here’s your complete guide on activities in various garden areas:
Vegetable Garden:
- Sow tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, French beans, cucumbers, celery, and celeriac under cover.
- Plant summer cauliflower, carrots, cabbage, parsley, turnips, Brussels sprouts, early peas, summer spinach, lettuce, and radishes outdoors.
- Sow leeks, parsnips, onions, leaks, seakale, and kohlrabi.
- Plant Jerusalem artichokes, shallots, garlic, and Autumn-sown onions.
- Plant early potatoes and rhubarb. Make a raised bed to force crops.
- Frame raised summer cabbages sown last month and autumn-sown cauliflowers can be planted out.
- Feed Spring cabbages with Ecoworm Soil Extract.
- Sow herbs like basil, chervil, thyme, sage, and marjoram indoors.
Fruit Garden:
- Finish planting new fruit trees and bushes.
- Spray apple, pear, cherry, peach, and plum trees against pests. Consider using Ecoworm Potassium Soap.
- Prune fruit trees, bushes, and autumn raspberries.
- Plant raspberries and start strawberry beds.
- Plant blackcurrants, white currants, and redcurrants.
- Protect fruit trees & bushes from frost.
- Rake the lawn to remove dead leaves and moss.
- Trim lawn edges and feed it with Ecoworm Soil Extract.
- Prepare soil for new turf or seeding.
- Scarify and rake the lawn.
- Lay a new lawn.
Trees & Shrubs:
- Prune late flowering climbers and shrubs. Mulch with Ecoworm Soil Extract.
- Protect delicate shrubs from frosts.
- Plant new climbers and check supports.
Flower Garden:
- Plant herbaceous perennials like Geranium, Astrantia, and Oriental poppies.
- Lift and divide established plants.
- Sow half-hardy annuals and alpines under cover.
- Prick out seedlings from previous sowings.
- Plant gladiolus and other corms.
- Take cuttings of chrysanthemums, fuchsias, pelargoniums, and dahlias under glass.
Embrace the changing season and cultivate a garden bursting with life and color!