Strong results on the pumpkins and squashes
“We are currently ahead in terms of fruit size from last year and crops are encouragingly heavy and linear, our disease resistance across the crops has been relatively strong and we are aware upon talking to other suppliers that the growing season has taken it’s toll this year, which we have not noticed. We are certainly happy with our first year applying Ecoworm Humate and look forward to more field tests in the future.”
– Mike Ashby (Horticulture and Ecology Manager at spadework)

Healthy soil and a great looking lawn
“I’m just a keen amateur lawn enthusiast who is learning on the ‘mow’ picking up tips and inspiration from one week to the next. I came across Ecoworm Humate product by chance and have applied it for approx 2 years. I did a full lawn renovation as shown on my instagram page and before I sowed the seed and regularly through the early growing stages I sprayed with Ecoworm the result is in the above picture. I continue to spray every 4 weeks which I firmly believe contributes to healthy soil and a great looking lawn.”
– Den Hutchinson
Why we use Ecoworm vermicompost organic fertilisers
“Last year, we used Ecoworm vermicompost organic fertiliser in our vegetable garden for the first time, and we were incredibly impressed with the results. Watch the video to see why we like Ecoworm vermicompost organic fertiliser, its benefits and why it works for us.”
- Kirsten & Mars (My Home Farm)
Adding Ecoworm Soil Extract for Fruit Trees
Effects of Ecoworm Soil Extract on our Flower Garden
Improving Soil Quality in our Vegetable Garden with Ecoworm
Chillies love Ecoworm
“I am a hot sauce producer, but I take my growing seriously too.
I have used Ecoworm plant food to help them and really pleased with the results.”
– James (Haskhell’s Hot Sauces)
Massive difference on orchids
“I bought these two orchids two years ago. They had lovely flowers on them, but once the flowers died, the plant went downhill. I was about to throw these old orchid plants as they had done nothing but barely survive for over 1 1/2 years. But then I tried some Ecoworm Soil Extract on them, and in no time at all they started sending out new branches, and look at them now. Incredible amount of flowers. It has really made a massive difference”.
– Ian
Results better than expected
“I was trying to bring a degraded floodplain back to life. After we took a silage crop off this field in August, it was extremely slow to recover. This is when I used your Ecoworm Humate at half rate with a bit of molasses, after which we started to get some regrowth. Just done a comprehensive soil test and the results are better than expected!
Then sprayed some out early April, mid June and just done another. Definitely seeing results, better quality as better uptake by the cows and the haylage was first class.”
- Harry (Scotland)
Improvement of the plant health continues to impress me
“I was impressed over how quickly our soil responded to Ecoworm Humate. Our soil was exhausted from excessive use of chemical fertilisers. It is exciting to move away from the chemicals and choose a way that is safe, effective and kind to nature. Will definitely stick with Ecoworm all the way!”
– Greg (England)
Drastic improvements in taste and size
“I been using Ecoworm Soil Extract for the last 3 seasons growing all types of fruits and vegetables. And I can say that there has been drastic improvements in taste and size! Ecoworm is a very cost efficient and most importantly effective way of replacing beneficial soil biology, minerals and other essential nutrients into the soil. Over the years many diseases were getting to our crops, but since we started using Ecoworm Soil Extract, it all gradually changed. We feel like it all is going the right direction, and as we continue to use this great product, we are sure there will be big improvements in our soil health.”
- Mary (England)
Improvement of the plant health continues to impress me
“Ecoworm has really impressed me! Over the last 5 years I have been using Ecoworm Humate to treat stress related tree problems. Be it water stress, off-setting construction related impacts, pest and disease problems. The improvement of the plant health after using Ecoworm continues to impress me, as well as my clients. Highly recommended.”
George W. (England)
Healthy, thick, lush green lawn
“We had recently laid turf, which was poorly laid, patchy, thin and turning yellow. We heard about Ecoworm from our friend, and decided to give it a go. After applying we could already see the difference within two weeks! After several months and couple more applications, we now have healthy, thick, lush green lawn! We highly recommend using Ecoworm. Not only is it safe, organic, but also super easy and quick to process, and got no stinky smell, unlike other organic fertilisers we would assume. It is environmentally friendly, and its effects are long lasting.”
- Veronica (Sweden)
This stuff really works
“Have been using Ecoworm Humate for a few years now, and been really happy with the results. Not only is it value for money, but it provides organic soil food that reduces pest outbreaks, increases the uptake of health giving minerals from soil to plant, increases yield and improves water holding capacity. I am happy to recommend this product, because I can tell you it really works.”
- Liam (Ireland)
Trials on barley and pasture
“We carried out trials in 2 controlled areas on barley and permanent pasture. After 4 weeks, the trial areas definitely stood out.
Barley was distinctly greener compared to untreated areas. Less obvious in pasture paddock although cattle grazed only pasture where Ecoworm Humate was sprayed.”
- William S. (England)
Eco friendly approach on the golf fields
“We decided to take upon the organic approach and fertilise our golf fields with Ecoworm Humate. This sustainable, environmentally friendly solution has had an amazing impact on our turf quality, as well as the budget! It is amazing how something environmentally friendly, organic and most importantly this effective can be cost effective! After using Ecoworm Humate for the last 4 years, we have noticed that the need of fungicides, insecticides, and chemical fertilisers has been reduced.
Thank you Ecoworm for your great work!”
- Karin H. (Sweden)
Pleasing results on orchids
“I started doing some research on worm tea for orchids. Eventually I came across Ecoworm, and it really caught my attention. Not worm tea, but concentrated worm castings in a form of liquid! Sounded very innovative to give it a go, and since then I have been using Ecoworm on my orchids. The results were pleasing! I was seeing healthy growth and strong colour. I will surely continue using this product as soon as the growing season starts, and would highly recommend any gardener to try it on all types of plants.”
- Lillian W. (England)
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